Jan. 24, 2024

Dumb Luck OR Insightful Surprise?

Get ready for an episode that's all about the unexpected turns life can throw at us. I'm going to take you through a personal journey – a story about a last-minute decision that led me down an uncharted path. This episode is a rollercoaster of emotions, from the initial excitement to the nerve-wracking moments leading up to a big challenge.

What's in this episode:

  • [00:00:10] - The spontaneous decision
  • [00:01:50] - Preparing for a challenge: The mix of stress and adrenaline.
  • [00:03:50] - Facing the moment: My experience during the contest.
  • [00:05:00] - An unexpected twist: A valuable lesson from a friend.
  • [00:07:20] - A shout-out to an inspirational figure
  • [00:10:00] - My thoughts on staying true to your goals amidst distractions.
  • [00:12:20] - How meditation helps in making better decisions.

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All right. Welcome to the New Age Human Podcast. About two days ago. I took a chance on myself. It was about 7 p. m. at night, obviously. And I'm in the middle of a conversation with a friend of mine and we're talking about his conference. We're both excited about it. I just bought a ticket to go. Then he proceeds to tell me, Hey, Jon just so you know, I have a speaker contest tomorrow. If you still want to, I can throw you into that list, and you can, compete to possibly be one of the speakers at this conference. And I'm thinking, maybe this is a sign, because I put this off before, because there was just too much on my plate, and maybe, I should take a risk. And, and this is a sign, maybe, right? Why would he ask me less than 12 hours prior to do this? So I'm like, yeah, let's go for it. Put me on that list. And he even said, you can take yourself off the list if you want to. And that gave me a little bit more confidence, I guess that knowing that I can just quit. And I really don't like quitting last minute anyways. So I'm excited. We hang up the phone. I'm no longer excited. Now I'm stressed and hungry too. And that doesn't help at all. Right. So anyways, I go have dinner with my wife and I tell her the good news. And she says the same thing. You're crazy, Jon you're putting too much on your plate. I'm like, I know, I know. I I'm, I'm, I'm trying to listen to the universe, blame it on that. Right? So I go to sleep or actually, no, I don't go to sleep. Rewind. I acknowledge that I'm crazy. I eat whatever I then go and start practicing my lines and figure out what the heck am I going to talk about? And I'm, I decided I'm going to talk about a dream I figured out I'm going to break it down and I got to get it done in under three minutes. I write it out, I rewrite it like 15 times and before you know it, or before I knew it. It was one o'clock in the morning. It's time to wrap it up, Jon so that's what I did. I go to bed and I wake up at eight o'clock sharp because I have errands to do in the morning and prepare for this contest. Now of this, of the time of this recording, this was. yesterday. So it's fresh in my mind. 12 o'clock comes. I'm practicing on the way to 12 o'clock and just counting the time 1130 1145 1150 and I'm practicing and I'm just like, Oh my God, I log into the webinar because it's virtual and I see people popping up. Half the people that were on the list didn't show, so So I'm thinking, okay, cool. I'm patting myself on the back. You showed up, Jon congratulations. Half the battle, right? The first guy goes, he does awesome. He does better than my best. Um, practice session on my own. So I got to better my best the day of. The next guy goes, he does pretty good too. And I'm thinking, all right, I'm probably last on the list because, you know, I just signed up yesterday. Then my friend who is running it, he asked me, Hey, what town are you from? Again? And I tell him the town, he goes hailing from the town of XYZ. I'm like, Oh crap. That means I'm next. And then he introduces me and I'm just like, uh, I'm stuttering. I'm fumbling. I'm just freaking out. And I'm trying not to just make it worse. Long story short. I bomb it. I bomb it. In my opinion, I bomb it pretty bad. I don't, I don't do good. I, but I did it. I did it. I showed up and that's something that I'm proud of. So, of course, the, the, the next guy goes, who's actually a good friend of mine, who anyways, he goes and then they announced the winner. And for them, it was like, They, they decided pretty quickly who the winner was. They gave some feedback overall in general, no, nothing specific to any person. And that was it. And I, I said, peace, you know, we just. Left the call and then I'm like, you know what my friend who's running this contest, he conducts speaker trainings. Why not ask him for feedback? Couldn't hurt if he doesn't have time. Oh, well, couldn't hurt. I shoot him a text and then I go on with my day. Find out that he texted me back and called me and I'm like, Oh shoot, let me call him back. And I'm like, Hey, you have a second. And he's like, sure. Yeah. Let's, let's go over the, uh, the call. And he tells me, we're gonna, I'm going to pull up the recording. I'm like, Oh my God. And you really know if you, if you've never done it. Listening to your recording is not fun. So we go through it and I'm thinking, Alright, he's going to give me 10 minutes of his time. This is great. An hour and a half goes by, and this guy gives me basically a free coaching session on storytelling and all that. And I'm thinking, Wow, this is great. So the moral of this story, if you haven't figured it out already, is that if you don't take a chance on yourself, You won't know what the universe has in store for you, so expect the unexpected. Now, I took a chance on myself. Illogically, if you were to be using your, your monkey brain or your logic brain, you would have been like, I would have been like, no, hell no, not making it, gonna fail, hands down. But, I decided to take a chance on myself. And I blamed it on it. Like, Hey, I think it's a sign on the universe, right? Even if I didn't think it was a sign, it was just a good thing because in reflecting this was something that ultimately I knew deep down I was going to benefit from it and it was just not going to be fun. So think of that when you are faced with an opportunity. And you're hesitating because you're unsure of yourself, but you never know just like what happened to me. I got a good hour of Coaching and he charges for that. You can't just call him up and be like, hey coach me on this It just I lucked out because he enjoyed the conversation and he told me this he's like This doesn't really happen that much and The same thing has happened to him. That's why he appreciated what happened. He's like, time went by and I was just having fun talking about. My, meaning his, journey on storytelling and that was truly inspiring for me, Jon to see his growth and we went through his whole social media and he's really good with building relationships. His name is Brandon Godorus and we did like two interviews. So you can do that. If you go to NewAgeHuman. com, you can search his name and you'll know who I'm talking about. Shout out to Brandon, warm heart life. So, I want to give you some notes I took on just reflecting on that. And, I'm just thinking about you, whether you're a, you're an entrepreneur, I like to call us conscious creators, because we're conscious about everything we do, and we want to change the world, right? One good thing, one example at a time, let's just say that. I, I try to make it sound cooler, but that failed. So we're just going to move forward. Um, so yeah, I want to reflect on this and share with you my notes. So the first thing I put here is big picture. Clarification really helped with the stress. With him, he had an idea of what he wanted to accomplish as a big picture. it was easy for him to be open for opportunities because he knew that that was going to be aligned with his big picture. Instead of deciding what I'm going to do every step of the way, he was open. To those opportunities, and I saw that for myself, So instead of trying to focus on making sure my new plan works, I focus on making sure I'm heading in the right direction I'm more open and more excited for other potential opportunities, and I will tell you that the second I embraced that, I felt a lot of weight lifted from my shoulders and several opportunities came onto my lap, an analogy to assist with that is your train tracks are is your path. If you go off the train tracks, the train is still going. Meaning if you keep derailing yourself because you see something else, your potential path to your success is going to be further away and you're going to have to do extra steps to catch up. This is basically the shiny object syndrome, right? Squirrel, where you're doing one thing, you made the decision, you're going to go for it and then you. See something else. That's cool. And who doesn't like those pop ups on YouTube because the algorithms are just insane whether they're listening to your phone calls or It's watching your algorithm of videos You watch a lot of the pop ups for me the advertisements are just spot on and they're really hard To ignore and not click on after that session. I had with the friend of mine Brandon It was easy to say no to those more because I was more clearer On my bigger picture. I just reassessed it. And so as far as like shiny object syndrome, as long as you know what your big picture is and you're clear on that. It's going to be easier to say no to things, which goes to my next thing, which is some, some, these are some of the questions that I ask myself if I see a shiny object, right? A squirrel jumping and darting and I'm like, Ooh, chase one. I asked myself, is this aligned with my vision? Now, if you need help with clarification on your vision. I can help you with, I got a meditation and I have stuff for that. Or you could do just a moment of silence for yourself, go back to, uh, episode 69. That will be the one that I give you a momentary meditation, more to come. And again, let me know if that works for you. Email me number two of what helps me with shiny object syndrome is. I asked myself, if I say yes to this, what am I saying no to? Because you have 24 hours. So if you decide to put an hour towards this thing, what are you taking away from? And it really helps with knowing what your vision is, because, is this aligned? If I say yes, what am I saying no to? There's gonna be sacrifice. The last thing I said to myself is meditate on it, which I already suggested that is going to help elevate your state of consciousness and transition your state, your physical state, your nervous system to a place where you can make more Objective decisions instead of that flight or fight decision making process that a lot of advertisements put you through You click on it and it says you got five minutes to make a decision. Four minutes. Now you're like, Oh my God. Meanwhile, it's like it, the ticker started when you clicked to engage, it's just, why would they not it just doesn't anyways, you get it. Just, yeah. There's tactics out there. But yeah, you meditate on it because you level up your state of conscious. And I think I'm gonna have to do an episode on different levels of conscious. This because that's fascinating, and it's what's making me more passionate about meditating and the value of that inner journey. and, just sitting in silence so that you can be in a grander space. Anyhow, That's my advice for myself that I'm sharing out loud to you. Hopefully this helps. If you have ideas that work for you, feel free to go to newagehuman. com and there's like a mic on the bottom right. You tap on that. I think you got like max two minutes to just say whatever you want to say. Take advantage of that. Thank you for listening. If you like the episode feel free to go to Apple podcasts and. Give us a 5 star review. It's going to help me and the show gain attraction to really high profile guests Also you can always join the newsletter link is below. Peace out.