May 7, 2024

#85 The Hidden Dangers of 5G and EMFs | Sherinata Pollock

In todays episode we dive deep into a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of modern technology: the potential health risks associated with electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Our guest, Sherinata Pollock, shares her personal journey of loss and survival, which sparked her mission to raise awareness about the dangers of wireless technology. From her tragic loss due to brain cancer to her own battle with a brain tumor, Sherinata's insights are both impactful and invaluable. Join us as we explore the subtle yet significant ways EMFs could be influencing your health and discover practical tips to shield yourself and your loved ones.

Episode Highlights:

  • [00:01:00] Sherinata's Personal Story
  • [00:10:12] Dangers of 5G and Wireless Tech
  • [00:18:34] Practical Tips for EMF Protection
  • [00:26:00] Understanding Shungite
  • [00:33:45] Muscle Testing for EMF Sensitivity

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Closing Remarks:

Thank you for tuning in to this crucial discussion. If you found value in our conversation, please consider rating and reviewing our show on your podcast platform. Don’t forget to follow and share with friends to help spread this important message. Remember, in our digital age, being informed and proactive about your health is more important than ever!

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00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:12.539
You have to start being smarter than your smart technology so you can live healthier in a digital age 20 minutes a day, that's it over a 10 year period you have a 40 percent chance of getting a brain tumor.

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we are the same as our earth.

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We are, you know, one connected, unified source of energy that's, you know, we're giving and receiving, exchanging constantly with that heartbeat, just like the tides ebb and flow, the sun sets and, you know, rises and, you know, it's a complete cycle.

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All right.

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Welcome to the new age human podcast.

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I'm your host, Jonathan Astacio.

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Today, we're talking with Sherinata Pollock It's interesting because her journey starts with losing her husband, unfortunately, to brain cancer and then surviving.

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A brain tumor herself.

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She's the founder and CEO of Corellia Creations, she pretty much went on a mission to educate people about this passion, about the dangers of 5g and wireless technology so with that said, Sherinata thank you for coming on the show.

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Appreciate you.

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How's it going?

00:01:07.159 --> 00:01:08.120
Everything's great.

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It was such a pleasure meeting you at Podfest and we definitely hit it off and, um, had a good time talking about EMF technology, radiation, and all those different products that are out there because I think that you're kind of surprised with that some of it.

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Yeah, I've, I've gone down the rabbit hole of EMFs and, and radiation and I've had my share of challenges, um, so it was pretty cool to connect with you at PodFest.

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For anybody that's listening, PodFest is like a, like an expo for content creators.

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And podcasters, obviously, um, and we were, we connected through, um, the little community that we're part of and mutual friends.

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And we, yeah, we had an interesting conversation.

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We're going to get into the muscle tests that you did and the products that you were working with and some shocking revelations.

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But before we get into that, I want to, I want to dive into your, your experience getting into this, like, I'm sure you weren't always doing what you're doing right now.

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Was what you're offering now the immediate go to when you had that issue with just dealing with a brain tumor and losing your husband, like how did, how did that transition happen?

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Well, when I was, um, you know, it's, it's been actually, this will be three years just It was within like the last couple of days that I actually had the emergency brain tumor surgery.

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And the funny thing is, is like, I have been speaking about EMF protection and letting people understand it and know about it since 2013.

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So it's not like, it was actually a precursor, me speaking about it, which is we were not waiting to have the brain tumor, then talk about it.

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So, and it kind of came to light because I was actually having headaches and I'm feeling lethargy in my office and I was life coaching at the time and doing a lot of energy healing and working with people.

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One on one.

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And so, and I was always doing, you know, Facebook live.

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So I wanted to have, I had just built, finished building like two years prior to that, a brand new home office.

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That's not this one.

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And in there, of course, was all the latest technology.

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And I had my Wi Fi router in there and I had my monitors and I had my cordless phone, which I thought was healthier.

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And I'm like, yeah, I'm like decked out here.

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This is awesome.

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With the printer, wireless printer and stuff, but I didn't have any idea.

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prior to 2013 that this was affecting my body.

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Now, um, when I started getting lethargy, that's when I realized like something's wrong.

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And somebody said to me, they're like, and I would never get headaches.

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I'm not a headache type person or migraines or anything.

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And somebody said to me, they're like, you know, you might be full of radiation.

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I'm like, what are you talking about?

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So she gives me this shungite and literally within three days was gone like completely.

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I'm like, I felt a hundred percent better on my pain, my aches and everything.

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got exposed to Shungite.

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How did you, did you wear it?

00:04:01.187 --> 00:04:03.098
Um, did you put it on your head?

00:04:05.715 --> 00:04:07.534
She actually, she gave me a rock.

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She put it, she says, here, use this rock, put it next to your computer.

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So it neutralizes the radiation at your computer.

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And then she gave me something to wear.

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So when to protect my field here, that like just to help the cleanse, what I, you know, radiation I have in my body and then to neutralize it and make, give me a healthier skin.

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you know, energy field as well as neutralizing right there and it did take three days and Literally, I couldn't believe like all of a sudden I just felt better.

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It was shocking and so that's when I said Oh my gosh, everybody needs to know about this because let's roll it back to yes, my first husband passed away with a glioblastoma, which is the most deadliest brain tumor you could possibly get The thing is, is that that was in 1998 and he was in 1999.

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I'm sorry.

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He was an electrician and I had found, which I didn't realize.

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So like within just a couple months, he was diagnosed and he passed away, you know, leaving me for a while.

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with my, yeah, it was horrible.

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And, you know, and the thing is, like, I had my one year old son at the time.

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I didn't understand what was going on.

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Nobody, you know, you don't prepare for this stuff, right?

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So you kind of just like kind of go with the flow and deal with it.

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Well, when I found out about EMAPs and I was having my own issues and the radiation and the shungite and everything.

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I started researching it when I realized everybody needs this because I'm a life coach.

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All my clients need this because I'm feeling better because I don't want what happened to me to happen to my children and to everybody else.

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So as I start researching it, that's when I found out that electricians literally, they had the highest back then in the 90s, the highest rate of um, Glioblastoma brain tumors than any other than any other occupation because of what they're working around.

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So, and that is literally one of the number one killers for children with cancers from zero to 18 years old now.

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And there's still not a cure and literally like there's no cure for it.

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It's, it's ridiculous.

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And it was unheard of for children to have gliose back then.

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You just heard of leukemia, you know, and the different issues, but you never heard of these brain cancers that are coming out all over the place.

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And, you know, and we think about it, it's like testicular cancer, younger.

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youngest ages ever.

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Um, sperm counts the lowest ever.

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Where are we putting our cell phones?

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So this is something to really, really think about.

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All of our reproductive organs, even for, you know, girls too.

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And rectal cancer, youngest ever.

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Where are we putting our cell phones?

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In our back pocket.

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It's, you know, so it's, there's a lot to think about where we, you know, we're in front of the computers all the time, our heart, our brains, you know, the kids growing up, you know, there's just, it's a myriad of compounded situations that are happening that, you know what?

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And if they just, if anybody just goes on the internet, you're going to, you're going to find all these studies from big corporations.

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That it's okay.

00:07:06.579 --> 00:07:25.069
There's nothing wrong with this because it's a multi trillion dollar industry and let's, you know, we need to dig deeper underneath the surface and go to the websites where they're run by scientists and doctors that do care and they're doing the right research that are not funded by these billion dollar companies.

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that's the key.

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A lot of us, when you, when, uh, very few people do the research.

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And then when you do the research, Look into the funding, right?

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Cause you can easily hire someone to prove that you're right.

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Just, you know, skew it my way and just share the positives, not the negatives.

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So the most important thing I have to say is, you know, don't ever put your Wi Fi router in your home office.

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Don't ever put it in your bedroom.

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Don't ever, you know, put it somewhere where it's the furthest away from you.

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In your, your personal space, your children, your, you know, your pets, put it in a closet if you can, in the garage if you can, wherever it is.

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Or even if it's in the media center, like where your TV is, which is the main area because at least you're sitting eight to 10 feet from your, most people sit six to 10 feet from their, um, from their, um, TV.

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So, and make sure that your bed, if it's on the other side of the media center.

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And from the living room or wherever you're watching TV that that your bed is on the opposite side of that wall Because you don't want to have your bed Your head against where the router is because it literally will affect your brain your sleeping patterns And if you can make sure you shut it off at night because many people do that as well.

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So You know, that's something to think about.

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You know, there's many, many things that we want to think about doing, you know, even just making sure that if you have a, wherever your electrical meter is at, make sure it's not on when it's outside, that it's not against your wall where you're sleeping or somebody else in your home, you know, because you want to make sure that that, because that will definitely be affecting you as well, because it's going to come right through the wall, you know, all the smart meters,

00:09:10.062 --> 00:09:15.761
And I don't know if you mentioned it yet, but what was your home office set up before?

00:09:16.131 --> 00:09:30.522
Because you said that, um, that was heavily related to what you guys discovered, where you obviously had a router in your home office, but usually people leave their home office and then do their own thing.

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I forgot about that part.

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And I had it.

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So when we have our home offices, we need to find the best place for them.

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At that point in time, my, I had kids running around the house.

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They were little and I only had an office that was outside in the main area.

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I needed a quiet space.

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So where was my quiet space?

00:09:50.113 --> 00:09:51.352
It was off my bedroom.

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How many people have offices in their bedrooms or a place right off of their bedroom?

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Many, many people do.

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So I actually had, that's where mine was.

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And then I had my Wi Fi router in there, so not only was I working in my office six to eight hours a day, then I was sleeping and I off of my office six, you know, 68 hours a night.

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So I was getting affected by it at all times and my body never ever had a break.

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And I think that's huge to mention.

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I wanted to make sure, um,

00:10:25.062 --> 00:10:26.163
Thanks for reminding me.

00:10:26.471 --> 00:10:31.831
Yeah, I wanted to make sure you highlighted that because some, there's a lot of us that have a home office.

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Nowadays, we, a lot of people working from home, uh, in their careers, right?

00:10:36.591 --> 00:10:44.741
You're working remote and yeah, if you're limited on space, um, most, there's many people in apartments, right?

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And you got like your, your bedroom, the kitchen, and sometimes the bedroom is the living room.

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And so the living room has a router right there and the bed.

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So, like you said.

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For your specific situation, you had no, no break at all.

00:11:02.692 --> 00:11:04.581
So I definitely wanted to highlight that.

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00:11:06.092 --> 00:11:10.503
And did I mention on this one already or was when we had got cut off before?

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I don't remember about the statistic with the, on the phone.

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Was that on this one?

00:11:16.522 --> 00:11:17.682
I don't think we went over that.

00:11:17.682 --> 00:11:18.682
Go over that statistic.

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So when I had the biopsy, it was growing.

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We found out it was growing at an 18 percent growth rate.

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So when we rolled it back, in time, then we realized that literally was the time because that was in 2021.

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So that was going back to, you know, 2011 when I built my home office.

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So the statistic says that if you're on a phone for, uh, 20 minutes a day, holding a phone to your ear, just talking on it 20 minutes a day, that's it over a 10 year period on a wireless cell phone, you have a 40 percent chance of getting a brain tumor.

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So my whole point is, wait a minute.

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Oh my God.

00:12:00.587 --> 00:12:05.937
I was like practically a statistic because it literally took about 10 years for that brain tumor to grow, which is disgusting.

00:12:06.408 --> 00:12:18.498
And, um, and I think that's why I'm so passionate about what I do because, you know, with my first husband passing away with the Igleo and then, you know, electricians, you know, having the highest rate of brain tumors.

00:12:18.738 --> 00:12:19.798
For occupation.

00:12:20.197 --> 00:12:33.327
And then back then, before we even had all the electronics we do now, then fast forwarding to now with what I had, you know, I think I believe that, you know, we all come in this world for a purpose, a higher purpose.

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00:12:34.148 --> 00:12:35.177
I understand energy.

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I'm a life coach.

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I know I'm really good at that.

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But for right now, It's really important to spread this message and let people know and then to have solutions for them.

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Because I think that's the most important thing is to do things at home.

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So you can, you know, neutralize radiation.

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I'd like to say it's not a one size fits all situation either because you have people who live, you know, you have kids, no kids, pets, pets, no pets.

00:13:01.298 --> 00:13:03.217
You have new suburbs.

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You have people living in the country.

00:13:05.707 --> 00:13:09.847
You have everything, cities, you know, like you said, townhouses and buildings.

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So everybody's got a different situation, you know, and at some point and oftentimes we can't even leave home without it because 5G is everywhere.

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So we just want to think just like a seatbelt, putting it on before you get in the car.

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Just like with, you know, I always say, you know, you're not going to send your kids away to college without any condoms.

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You know, you're going to do the same thing with this.

00:13:33.462 --> 00:13:34.163
That's it, man.

00:13:34.842 --> 00:13:38.832
Mama Bear's got to come out and you're going to say, you know what?

00:13:38.923 --> 00:13:47.143
You have to start being smarter than your smart technology so you can live healthier in a digital age because it is by no.

00:13:47.503 --> 00:13:51.202
surprise that all these things are coming up in our bodies.

00:13:51.647 --> 00:13:59.057
Yeah, and we're coming up to that part where more people than ever have access to a lot of this technology.

00:13:59.057 --> 00:14:08.187
And so it does seem like the long term effects, that 10 year marker, right, is starting to rear its ugly head.

00:14:08.336 --> 00:14:23.057
And thankfully, You are helping people, you know, helping educate people and at the same time offering a solution, because you can educate until your head, your face turns red or blue, whatever color, and then, you know, not have a solution that would suck.

00:14:24.222 --> 00:14:25.092

00:14:25.092 --> 00:14:26.352
I totally feel the same way.

00:14:26.352 --> 00:14:31.153
You have to have some solutions and point people in the right direction, because it can be very overwhelming.

00:14:31.523 --> 00:14:34.462
And so people always ask me, where's the first place to start?

00:14:34.462 --> 00:14:35.513
How do I get started?

00:14:35.513 --> 00:14:40.452
I said, well, you can, here's my solutions to get started, but there's a myriad of ways to get started.

00:14:40.462 --> 00:14:47.993
So, you know, my solutions are, you know, I point people in this one direction, but there's, you know, Go outside.

00:14:48.013 --> 00:15:03.903
I always tell people, you know, go outside and get some fresh air and ground your feet in the grass, rolled around in it like a dog if you have to, you know, play with your kids and you know, just really, but how often are we walking barefoot in the grass for 20 minutes a day, you know, to really, we're not.

00:15:04.462 --> 00:15:08.732
And, um, you know, Epsom salt baths are great.

00:15:08.812 --> 00:15:14.893
You know, people who swim all the time in the ocean are really, they have a very high resistance to EMF.

00:15:15.513 --> 00:15:22.982
Um, radiation because of, yeah, because of the minerals, the salt is always, you know, cleansing through the body.

00:15:23.423 --> 00:15:33.972
Um, and we need those minerals and the EMF, um, I am not a nutritionist, however, I do know that it definitely pulls out the minerals from your body.

00:15:33.982 --> 00:15:42.543
It strips it because of the, you know, you're just, it does so many things with our melatonin and our, and our hormones and it just, it's a, it's a.

00:15:42.852 --> 00:15:44.863
You know, it's very complex what it does.

00:15:44.864 --> 00:15:48.181

00:15:48.302 --> 00:15:52.731
water and how that helps, which I don't, I don't think I've heard that.

00:15:52.731 --> 00:15:53.981
So thank you for that.

00:15:54.361 --> 00:16:25.187
Cause I've gone down the rabbit hole and that's, I haven't heard about the salt and, and that's an interesting thing, especially if you live near the, uh, The ocean or the sound I'm actually hesitant to go into the water nearby here because it's the uh, the long island sound And I don't want to come out with like a third arm, you know, we joke around about that, you know If i'm gonna go in there i'm gonna go in there real nice little dip and then you know, i'm out But barefoot, uh on the on the sand is great.

00:16:25.767 --> 00:16:29.907
Uh, the hiking hugging trees

00:16:30.552 --> 00:16:42.202
It's true because, you know, it all comes back to, we need to, the, the, the radiation that's coming from our technology is not the same as the energy in our body.

00:16:43.118 --> 00:16:45.447
You know, we are the same as our earth.

00:16:45.477 --> 00:17:03.817
We are, you know, one connected, unified source of energy that's, you know, we're giving and receiving, exchanging constantly with that heartbeat, just like the tides ebb and flow, the sun sets and, you know, rises and, you know, it's a complete cycle.

00:17:04.097 --> 00:17:09.877
And we know that we are so connected to our earth, yet electronics are not.

00:17:10.778 --> 00:17:11.228
At all.

00:17:11.548 --> 00:17:12.877
And it's a disruptive field.

00:17:12.887 --> 00:17:14.077
It's a chaotic field.

00:17:14.417 --> 00:17:42.542
And that's why it creates, you know, a fight or flight, you know, when we're watching so much of it and in our eyes are getting, you know, fixated with the blue light and we can't go to sleep, messing up our circadian rhythms and, you know, it's doing our entire bodies out of balance as well as, you know, a free radicals that are flowing through our bodies and stripping our bodies of nutrients and creating cellular You know, destruction within the body, so in our organs and things like that.

00:17:42.542 --> 00:17:55.502
So it's really, really important for us to really be aware of what we're doing and and take the, you know, a lot of just start going in the direction of living healthier in the digital age with what you can do.

00:17:56.267 --> 00:18:03.317
so talking about the natural solutions Shungite, what is going on with that?

00:18:03.406 --> 00:18:06.217
I'm for those that have never heard of it.

00:18:06.217 --> 00:18:08.207
Can you break down what that is and how that works?

00:18:08.653 --> 00:18:09.123

00:18:09.482 --> 00:18:14.772
So my husband actually said something funny to me today because remember when you, you know, a while ago.

00:18:14.772 --> 00:18:17.762
So I've been, I have been remarried for many years now.

00:18:18.113 --> 00:18:20.942
And, um, but he's like, so he's seen me on the whole path.

00:18:21.323 --> 00:18:23.803
And he's like, remember when you first started in Shanghai?

00:18:24.173 --> 00:18:26.932
And there was something funny that I was talking about it with.

00:18:26.932 --> 00:18:33.512
And we were like, we're getting, you know, we're, you get on one of your rants, you know, you just get fixated on and you're from one spot to another, to another.

00:18:33.853 --> 00:18:34.432
And we're like, it's.

00:18:34.887 --> 00:18:35.887
Shungite, right?

00:18:35.887 --> 00:18:41.317
And we're like, it's like, perfect for your body and it's like breaking boards and it's, I don't know.

00:18:41.327 --> 00:18:43.897
We got into this whole martial arts conversation with it.

00:18:43.897 --> 00:18:45.097
We're like, it's Shungite.

00:18:49.038 --> 00:18:49.557

00:18:49.798 --> 00:18:52.657
So, you know, I think that is serious as a topic.

00:18:52.657 --> 00:18:55.627
This is, you have to take everything seriously.

00:18:56.008 --> 00:19:11.488
You know in stride and like we say not get overwhelmed because you know We still have to live our lives and and do the best that we can do and be you know, have fun with it Anyway, so Shungite is very very powerful and it is

00:19:12.122 --> 00:19:16.016

00:19:16.407 --> 00:19:19.538
It carries something called a carbon 60 molecule, the C 60.

00:19:20.057 --> 00:19:24.028
And there's, you know, you can do the research on C 60.

00:19:24.057 --> 00:19:28.008
There's so much behind it, and I can get into that, but we don't have time for that.

00:19:28.377 --> 00:19:33.117
But I can name drop like Minister Feller, the Fellerine, the Bucky Ball.

00:19:33.127 --> 00:19:34.917
That's all C 60 molecule.

00:19:34.917 --> 00:19:36.038
The Epcot Ball.

00:19:36.347 --> 00:19:39.147
That's an Epcot that you big see the big one at Disney.

00:19:39.413 --> 00:19:41.413
That is based on the C60 molecule.

00:19:41.413 --> 00:19:42.712
So this is nothing new.

00:19:42.722 --> 00:19:52.002
They also call it the molecule of 21st century for a reason, because it's a renewable type of cellular energy that renews itself constantly.

00:19:52.313 --> 00:19:59.242
So what they do is they actually in science, they create that in science because they know how valuable and how powerful it is.

00:20:00.173 --> 00:20:03.532
Yet it is found naturally only in Shanghai.

00:20:06.083 --> 00:20:09.153
so anyway, um, and that's the power behind it.

00:20:09.163 --> 00:20:22.363
So that C 60 molecule creates our bodies come back to perfection, to zero point, the human residence of our planet, going back to that heartbeat again, like I was telling you about, right?

00:20:22.742 --> 00:20:26.012
So I'm going to show you an example of why it works so powerfully.

00:20:27.413 --> 00:20:27.863

00:20:28.123 --> 00:20:33.163
So it, so when we use Shungite on our bodies, remember when I told you it eliminated my headaches.

00:20:33.253 --> 00:20:37.663
Because it eliminates pain because it brings everything back to source again.

00:20:37.702 --> 00:20:39.452
It's like energy healing on the body.

00:20:39.692 --> 00:20:40.032

00:20:40.972 --> 00:20:42.853
Um, so here's the pyramid.

00:20:42.903 --> 00:20:48.472
I love these pyramids because they're really beautiful and they can be used as weapons, but just kidding.

00:20:48.782 --> 00:20:50.133
Um, but they can be, I guess.

00:20:50.712 --> 00:20:58.252
But I do believe that everybody should have these some, a pyramid of Shanghai by their bedside or at their computer.

00:20:58.643 --> 00:20:59.073

00:20:59.603 --> 00:21:00.123

00:21:01.462 --> 00:21:06.742
that shanghai, which is the same thing in my beads here on the bracelets or what I'm wearing here.

00:21:06.932 --> 00:21:10.732
Okay, here's just a regular old flashlight.

00:21:10.843 --> 00:21:12.573
Okay, you can see it's on, right?

00:21:12.666 --> 00:21:14.487
for anybody listening, she's got a flashlight.

00:21:15.303 --> 00:21:15.752

00:21:15.913 --> 00:21:17.053
And let's see there.

00:21:17.063 --> 00:21:17.403
You can see

00:21:17.426 --> 00:21:17.797
there it is.

00:21:17.797 --> 00:21:18.126

00:21:18.202 --> 00:21:18.563

00:21:18.692 --> 00:21:18.972

00:21:19.353 --> 00:21:19.663

00:21:20.212 --> 00:21:27.468
Now when I take out the connector, the conductor, It's not going to work, right?

00:21:27.468 --> 00:21:28.278
Here's the conductor.

00:21:28.278 --> 00:21:29.867
This is not a magical flashlight.

00:21:30.248 --> 00:21:32.167
Okay, the batteries are still in there.

00:21:32.218 --> 00:21:33.498
It doesn't work, right?

00:21:33.596 --> 00:21:34.037

00:21:35.067 --> 00:21:39.458
Now, if I take this pyramid or any type of shungite and I put it next to it,

00:21:40.027 --> 00:21:40.946
Oh, wow.

00:21:40.949 --> 00:21:45.448
Yeah, because it carries its own electrical field.

00:21:45.968 --> 00:21:47.708
And that is what is so powerful.

00:21:47.708 --> 00:21:48.837
I can take my beads off.

00:21:48.837 --> 00:21:49.897
It'll do the same thing.

00:21:52.717 --> 00:21:58.096
Oh wow, so you're touching the, uh, you're, you're closing the circuit with Shungite basically and the

00:21:58.357 --> 00:21:58.798
Mm hmm.

00:21:59.508 --> 00:22:00.117

00:22:00.176 --> 00:22:01.356
it's a great conductor.

00:22:01.803 --> 00:22:02.282

00:22:02.752 --> 00:22:06.173
And so because of that, that's why it works so well.

00:22:06.292 --> 00:22:10.752
And you can test this with any type of other crystal.

00:22:11.143 --> 00:22:11.903
Here's a crystal.

00:22:12.113 --> 00:22:13.792
I have so many crystals on my desk.

00:22:14.222 --> 00:22:22.692
And here's just, you know, a chakra plain old one with some, um, amethyst and, you know, different types of selenite probably in here.

00:22:22.692 --> 00:22:23.722
One of those chakra ones.

00:22:24.123 --> 00:22:24.553
It's not good.

00:22:24.553 --> 00:22:24.972
Come on.

00:22:25.012 --> 00:22:26.252
See, it's not coming on.

00:22:26.253 --> 00:22:27.883
You can use any hand.

00:22:27.883 --> 00:22:35.077
It doesn't come on because You know, as much as you want to say, so many people say, Oh, tourmaline and onyx.

00:22:35.337 --> 00:22:39.798
Oh, you know, these are, they can all, you know, neutralize radiation.

00:22:39.798 --> 00:22:40.557
No, they cannot.

00:22:41.248 --> 00:22:45.837
They can help ground you, but they're not going to do the same thing that Shungite does.

00:22:46.048 --> 00:22:51.367
And it's really, really important for people to understand that there is a lot of fake Shungite out there.

00:22:51.678 --> 00:22:54.607
So it's really important to buy from somebody who's reputable.

00:22:54.617 --> 00:22:56.258
There's a lot of companies from China.

00:22:56.528 --> 00:23:01.307
We're probably one of the largest distributors in the United States, and which is very exciting

00:23:01.336 --> 00:23:05.926
So if it's fake Shungite, it won't, um, close a circuit.

00:23:06.616 --> 00:23:08.416
Is that like one way to test it?

00:23:08.688 --> 00:23:09.567
that's the best way.

00:23:10.208 --> 00:23:14.208
And the next way to test it is how, John, come on, you know it.

00:23:14.846 --> 00:23:15.936
Muscle testing, right?

00:23:16.008 --> 00:23:17.535
You got it.

00:23:17.535 --> 00:23:18.198

00:23:18.198 --> 00:23:19.087
Muscle testing.

00:23:19.438 --> 00:23:22.938
So let's hear your story about muscle testing when we got together.

00:23:23.067 --> 00:23:23.576

00:23:23.777 --> 00:23:31.467
So when we met at Podfest, um, I, you were next to a table and you had your spread out and I'm like, all right, cool.

00:23:31.477 --> 00:23:33.237
Let's, let's see what's going on here.

00:23:33.586 --> 00:23:40.007
And, um, I got a kick out of watching you, um, Do a muscle test with people.

00:23:40.027 --> 00:23:42.936
And if you're not familiar, it's, it's like a balancing test.

00:23:42.936 --> 00:23:44.946
I think you did the arm one, right?

00:23:45.492 --> 00:23:46.232
Do the arm.

00:23:46.237 --> 00:23:56.997
you do the extended arm and then without anything you, and you did it to me too, but I like describing other people cause cause their faces before and after was pretty funny.

00:23:57.257 --> 00:23:59.807
So just imagine, I guess, in your mind's eye.

00:23:59.807 --> 00:24:04.576
And if you're, maybe I'll do it because we're on video, but I'll get the chair out of the way.

00:24:05.007 --> 00:24:20.457
You're standing and then you have like one arm, you have one arm off to the side and then sure Or not, uh, just leans like puts one hand on it and then you're basically measuring the resistance, your strength changes.

00:24:21.027 --> 00:24:29.836
And so without the sun guy, she put down and you know, she put, you know, some, a good amount of pressure down and I'm like, all right, you know, I'm, I'm kind of struggling to get my arm up.

00:24:30.487 --> 00:24:32.977
And then she gave, I think we put it in my

00:24:33.143 --> 00:24:34.032
Well, wait a minute.

00:24:34.032 --> 00:24:37.843
First see this is, because first you want to test without anything.

00:24:37.853 --> 00:24:38.742
Make sure you take all your

00:24:38.886 --> 00:24:39.096

00:24:39.527 --> 00:24:40.336
Oh, okay.

00:24:40.336 --> 00:24:40.626

00:24:40.952 --> 00:24:41.913
Okay, that's what's important.

00:24:41.923 --> 00:24:43.212
You take all your electronics off.

00:24:43.282 --> 00:24:44.393
Make sure your cell phone's off.

00:24:44.682 --> 00:24:46.752
Any smart watches, anything like that.

00:24:46.752 --> 00:24:47.613
Any airpods.

00:24:48.712 --> 00:24:49.182
Take them off.

00:24:49.192 --> 00:24:50.502
Strip the body of electronics.

00:24:50.833 --> 00:24:52.032
Then just shake your arms out.

00:24:52.032 --> 00:24:52.097
Take them off.

00:24:52.458 --> 00:24:52.998
Put it out.

00:24:53.008 --> 00:24:53.877
Put your arm out.

00:24:54.147 --> 00:24:56.018
Have somebody just lightly press down.

00:24:56.018 --> 00:24:58.157
You don't have to like, it's not total muscle.

00:24:58.157 --> 00:25:06.258
It's just the innate, uh, in the innate, um, energy of your body that knows what's right and what's wrong, correct?

00:25:06.337 --> 00:25:12.548
Okay, so you're gonna press lightly down on the arm, okay, and have somebody do that for you.

00:25:12.548 --> 00:25:13.607
And you're gonna say, Oh, yeah, okay.

00:25:13.607 --> 00:25:14.438
I'm pretty strong.

00:25:14.778 --> 00:25:17.188
Now, that's when you have them

00:25:17.616 --> 00:25:21.156
Oh, then they hold onto the cell phones and the electronics that they had.

00:25:21.547 --> 00:25:25.727
And then that's when their weakness kicked in.

00:25:26.057 --> 00:25:27.606
And that's where I saw eyeballs popping.

00:25:27.676 --> 00:25:28.757
They're like, no way.

00:25:29.317 --> 00:25:30.527
Cause you can, you can feel it.

00:25:30.547 --> 00:25:37.606
It's like, you don't feel your body going to a different weak state because you're so used to having your, your cell phone on.

00:25:38.267 --> 00:25:57.606
Um, And I just remember people's eyes just shooting open because they can feel the difference of like, whether it be no cell phone in your pocket or after that having the Shungite and just the, the differences, no one, you know, everybody's like, all right, you know, I'll humor the situation, but like the genuine shock was, was pretty funny to watch.

00:25:57.952 --> 00:26:05.742
Yeah, you know, and that's when I was, I like to tell people, you know, our technology literally is like kryptonite to Superman.

00:26:06.917 --> 00:26:19.867
And because, you know, we don't under, we don't, we don't feel it instantly, but yet it is crippling our bodies and we don't even realize how it is weakening our state and what it's doing to us every day.

00:26:20.238 --> 00:26:22.928
And it's going to compound that, like I said, compound that.

00:26:22.928 --> 00:26:27.738
So if you're weak and just that moment, trying it on and people don't even realize it was like, okay.

00:26:27.738 --> 00:26:28.218
So then I.

00:26:28.428 --> 00:26:37.268
You know, of course, we would put this Shanghai bracelet or the sticker on it, and they get to see how strong and strong where they are because that's neutralizing the radiation, right?

00:26:37.557 --> 00:26:40.228
So I'm like, Okay, got your powers back.

00:26:40.337 --> 00:26:41.327

00:26:41.337 --> 00:26:42.468
You're healthier here.

00:26:42.938 --> 00:26:54.627
But let's remember if you're wearing a smartwatch, You're going to be receiving it in another way if you're if you insist on wearing, you know, wireless air pods, you're going to be receiving it right into your brain.

00:26:54.678 --> 00:26:55.417

00:26:55.657 --> 00:26:58.097
So we need to think about like, what are you still doing?

00:26:58.097 --> 00:27:02.317
What else are you doing on your body and in your daily habits?

00:27:02.538 --> 00:27:12.387
So we don't really have anything yet to neutralize the air pods, but we're working on something hopefully being released this year as well as we have something for the smart watches.

00:27:12.896 --> 00:27:13.156

00:27:13.156 --> 00:27:23.007
So the smartwatches I saw, um, you had it where it looks like a little, is it a ring that goes around the, uh, well describe what you have for smartwatches cause virtually everybody has a smartwatch.

00:27:23.073 --> 00:27:24.623
Yeah, I don't have a smartwatch.

00:27:24.653 --> 00:27:25.682
I only have the band.

00:27:25.682 --> 00:27:29.762
So if you're watching it on YouTube, you can see my samples.

00:27:30.103 --> 00:27:33.192
But, um, yeah, so we create these awesome.

00:27:33.212 --> 00:27:34.682
This one is just decorative.

00:27:34.692 --> 00:27:35.732
The top one here.

00:27:36.083 --> 00:27:39.653
But for the most part, all of our bands that we sell.

00:27:40.107 --> 00:27:42.428
are, um, have Shanghai on them.

00:27:42.837 --> 00:27:45.627
And I have another one here that is really cute.

00:27:45.718 --> 00:27:48.778
Oops, I forgot to take out the package and it has other colors on it.

00:27:48.778 --> 00:27:51.708
It has some purples and crystals on it too.

00:27:52.137 --> 00:28:03.587
So these are probably one of our largest sellers next to the stickers because everybody has a cell phone and so many people are wearing the smartwatches and they feel the difference.

00:28:03.821 --> 00:28:30.491
And for anybody listening, if you're not in a place where you're watching, um, just so you know what she's describing, it looks like, uh, if you're familiar with the little beads that go around your wrist, like the bracelets for the different, um, like crystals and stuff, it looks like a teeny tiny one with teeny tiny little beads, and it just wraps around the band portion, so you can actually have an accessory on the band.

00:28:31.106 --> 00:28:43.307
Um for your watch and and on top and would you say that that makes more sense because it's Closer to the watch instead of having a bead next to the watch like you can have like the bigger ones As well, right?

00:28:43.317 --> 00:28:44.926
It's just to each their own type of thing

00:28:44.998 --> 00:28:45.458

00:28:45.647 --> 00:28:49.567
Well, you know, a lot of people don't like to wear, you know, men don't want to wear a bracelet.

00:28:49.958 --> 00:28:54.157
A lot of women may not want to wear something else that's clunking against their brain in their watch.

00:28:54.488 --> 00:28:55.508
And guess what?

00:28:56.288 --> 00:28:58.178
Most people are going to put dislike.

00:28:58.178 --> 00:29:00.597
Nobody leaves the house without their cell phone.

00:29:00.837 --> 00:29:04.577
Nobody leaves the house without their body parts, their arms and legs.

00:29:04.817 --> 00:29:06.458
Their cell phone is like that too.

00:29:06.837 --> 00:29:09.667
And so a lot, um, nobody's going to leave.

00:29:09.688 --> 00:29:12.813
If somebody is a smartwatch wearer, they're not going to leave without their smartwatch on.

00:29:12.823 --> 00:29:15.452
Um, right, but they'll leave maybe without their bracelet on.

00:29:15.702 --> 00:29:29.403
So if these bands are always on the bracelet band, I mean, if the rings, you know, the bands, what they call them, the bands are on the bands, but um, if you know what I mean, the neutral, the rings that we, we call them bands.

00:29:29.823 --> 00:29:34.143
So if those, uh, Shanghai bands are on the watch band.

00:29:34.873 --> 00:29:36.063
neutralizing it.

00:29:36.073 --> 00:29:37.353
You're never gonna leave it home.

00:29:37.512 --> 00:29:38.482
You're not gonna leave home without it.

00:29:38.482 --> 00:29:39.442
It'll always be there.

00:29:39.803 --> 00:29:43.012
And we also make them a little bit larger for the finger.

00:29:44.232 --> 00:29:56.563
Because if somebody is using a Bluetooth, if you're the type person like me, and which I do have EMF sensitivity, I'm very sensitive to, um, hypersensitivity to electronics.

00:29:56.863 --> 00:30:03.712
So oftentimes I can, I will feel like on a Bluetooth because I'm always in and out of my office, taking my laptop all over the place.

00:30:03.732 --> 00:30:07.083
So I actually do have a wireless Bluetooth mouse.

00:30:07.512 --> 00:30:08.942
And I will.

00:30:09.752 --> 00:30:14.962
No matter what, I will have, um, tinglings in my fingers just five to 10 minutes after using it.

00:30:15.012 --> 00:30:15.952
It's ridiculous.

00:30:16.903 --> 00:30:21.823
But because I wear the ring, you know, which is elastic, it fits almost anybody's fingers.

00:30:22.492 --> 00:30:25.282
I never have the tingling because it neutralizes the radiation.

00:30:25.507 --> 00:30:29.707
And the fact that you're electrosensitive helps you make sure that it's working.

00:30:30.542 --> 00:30:33.292
I'm like, I'm like a perfect barometer for my company.

00:30:33.326 --> 00:30:34.067

00:30:35.247 --> 00:30:35.676
And you're like,

00:30:35.742 --> 00:30:38.163
If I can feel it, then everybody's okay.

00:30:38.163 --> 00:30:39.633
If I can't feel it, well, you know what I'm saying.

00:30:40.186 --> 00:30:40.866
That's so interesting.

00:30:41.616 --> 00:30:44.606
That's great that you can at least test it, right?

00:30:44.636 --> 00:31:10.557
Because some it's easy to be like, this is bs well until the day comes where you Unfortunately become electro sensitive and from what i've read People that are electro sensitive tend to have either heavy metal toxicity or a traumatic experience with it And I feel like for you you had a hair obviously you had a traumatic experience with your surgery and everything and um I was gonna say it

00:31:10.643 --> 00:31:11.722
had the heavy metals.

00:31:11.722 --> 00:31:16.012
I did have the heavy metals because look where I was because look where I was working.

00:31:16.053 --> 00:31:31.502
I was working in me with that wifi router that is creating literally the free radicals that are just attaching to all the cells in your body and you can't cleanse your body when you're filled with free radicals in it.

00:31:31.613 --> 00:31:32.522
It's not gonna happen.

00:31:32.553 --> 00:31:34.932
It's just like having heavy metal running through your entire body.

00:31:35.436 --> 00:31:35.826

00:31:35.866 --> 00:31:36.096

00:31:36.096 --> 00:31:37.477
And, and cleansing helps too.

00:31:37.477 --> 00:31:43.207
And then that, that goes down a different routes because when you're going through certain cleanses, it.

00:31:43.551 --> 00:31:50.071
If anything, it exposes your body to it and it goes into the bloodstream when it's trying to come out of the body.

00:31:50.071 --> 00:31:53.172
So what you're, what you're doing now is, is really helping somebody.

00:31:53.821 --> 00:31:56.521
Um, that is very sensitive.

00:31:56.741 --> 00:31:58.041
It re that's what I was going to say.

00:31:58.041 --> 00:32:03.432
It reminds me of the analogy I have is, you know, how people, they drink a lot.

00:32:03.451 --> 00:32:12.682
Let's say you drink that, uh, like a heavy night of like drinking alcohol and Yeah, the hangover and like, I'll never drink again.

00:32:13.392 --> 00:32:20.201
And then, um, like for me, I, I went and drank a little bit too much way back in the day.

00:32:20.201 --> 00:32:21.491
And I think it was tequila.

00:32:22.011 --> 00:32:24.571
And, uh, I, I, I should have said no.

00:32:24.571 --> 00:32:25.882
And I said yes too many times.

00:32:25.902 --> 00:32:26.521
Let's just say that.

00:32:27.192 --> 00:32:31.031
And now my body has a hard time even smelling it.

00:32:31.102 --> 00:32:33.801
It's just rejecting it immediately.

00:32:34.133 --> 00:32:34.502

00:32:34.662 --> 00:32:40.251
And so I can only imagine if you had a traumatic experience, your body's going to do the same thing for me.

00:32:40.541 --> 00:32:45.771
Uh, It's almost like I get dizzy and nauseous because your body is like, no, just no.

00:32:45.842 --> 00:32:53.122
And for you, when you get around electronics, your body's like PTSD in your home office that you used to have.

00:32:53.122 --> 00:32:54.852
And it's like, no, give her, give her the tangles.

00:32:54.852 --> 00:32:58.362
Like give her a reminder of how bad it was.

00:32:58.382 --> 00:32:59.751
Do not do this.

00:33:00.012 --> 00:33:20.637
I know, I know, and of course I'm the prototype person, I, you know, I'm like, don't put it anywhere on your body, don't put it on your breasts, don't put it on your back, make sure you're neutralizing, get it away from your babies, why are you putting it in front of your babies with the, I, I, I am a little crazy over it because, but yet, guess what, I've been in the business for over ten years now.

00:33:21.377 --> 00:33:28.897
And I, I have been working in muscle testing, working with people, muscle testing people for over 10 years.

00:33:28.907 --> 00:33:32.407
So you can imagine how many people that is, like thousands of people, right?

00:33:32.827 --> 00:33:37.698
So you can see how many people have what the eyeballs popping out saying, wow, what's going on with me?

00:33:37.698 --> 00:33:38.778
I can't believe this.

00:33:39.178 --> 00:33:42.248
And yet on the other hand, it's.

00:33:43.018 --> 00:33:47.077
ridiculous because I see how many people don't know.

00:33:47.347 --> 00:33:48.688
They don't understand.

00:33:48.877 --> 00:34:06.817
And the people that, because I'm, I'm only talking to like, um, just one little tiny, tiny section of people when there's thousands, so many people all around and they have no clue and the restaurants and shopping, these, all the babies just, Everybody growing up without this knowledge.

00:34:07.057 --> 00:34:15.518
And if you are a mother or a father, an aunt or an uncle, a grandmother, or a grand, you know, grandfather, you must listen to this.

00:34:15.818 --> 00:34:20.498
And please, please, you know, let the children be safe.

00:34:20.588 --> 00:34:27.518
Let those children be safe and let let the knowledge be heard that, um, something needs to be done.

00:34:27.831 --> 00:34:28.231

00:34:28.322 --> 00:34:28.731
Well said.

00:34:28.771 --> 00:34:30.041
And it's very true.

00:34:30.092 --> 00:34:37.331
I mean, it's, it's only getting more invasive with, uh, from tablets and cell phones and.

00:34:38.126 --> 00:34:41.327
headsets and watches and great technology.

00:34:41.547 --> 00:34:50.016
It helps you stay connected, but there's a dark side that, um, we need to be able to be informed on and be able to protect us ourselves

00:34:50.077 --> 00:34:52.447
and you know, and and then, yeah, exactly.

00:34:52.447 --> 00:34:59.768
And then, you know, so it's important to be knowledgeable about it but not to like, I might, I don't know if I'm extreme but you know what?

00:34:59.768 --> 00:35:01.228
I still live my happy life.

00:35:01.228 --> 00:35:08.782
I, you know, I don't like to, you know, be that person about doomsday about it's like, listen, you know about it.

00:35:08.802 --> 00:35:10.123
So do something about it.

00:35:10.402 --> 00:35:11.072
And that's it.

00:35:11.233 --> 00:35:15.293
You know, just be proactive and, and start living a little bit differently.

00:35:15.293 --> 00:35:16.992
And that's all it is.

00:35:16.992 --> 00:35:19.302
And it's just knowledge is power, right?

00:35:19.777 --> 00:35:20.077

00:35:20.277 --> 00:35:20.536

00:35:20.657 --> 00:35:25.606
So let's say if we are trying to, let's say someone's interested in

00:35:26.610 --> 00:35:28.438

00:35:28.597 --> 00:35:34.106
Maybe they have a lot of questions and they wish they were here to be a fly on the wall and ask questions and whatnot.

00:35:34.567 --> 00:36:07.577
Um, And this is obviously pre recorded for any of those how can they reach you and more important and more importantly I think we're going to be helping out with a free ebook that will be in the show notes for sure We were talking about that um as and as far as like, um, I think we were also talking about yeah, we were definitely talking about If anybody's interested and they're concerned or let's say they're sensitive or they really want to take action on this We found a way to give You The 10 percent discount if you want to order and um, how does that work?

00:36:07.606 --> 00:36:11.476
I think you had a code set up right and I can just put in my uh, my description link

00:36:15.057 --> 00:36:16.237
The code will be used.

00:36:16.248 --> 00:36:29.498
So it's 10 percent off your first order and only on regular price items done on the, um, I have, I also have like starter packs and variety packs, things that are bundled that are already have like 25 to 35 percent off already.

00:36:29.498 --> 00:36:30.887
So it can't be used in conjunction.

00:36:30.887 --> 00:36:32.197
So anything that's regular price.

00:36:32.893 --> 00:36:37.842
Um, definitely, you know, take advantage of that, you know, through John's website for sure.

00:36:37.842 --> 00:36:43.242
I mean, for the, through the podcast and, um, you know, and the best thing to do is to get started.

00:36:43.503 --> 00:36:45.603
I always say, you know, people like, where do I start?

00:36:45.603 --> 00:36:46.202
Where do I start?

00:36:46.202 --> 00:36:54.913
I said, the best thing to do is to just get started with a cell phone sticker, put cell phone sticker on, um, all your technology, you know, on your cell phone.

00:36:55.983 --> 00:36:56.632
There you go.

00:36:56.663 --> 00:36:57.552

00:36:57.882 --> 00:36:58.193

00:36:58.193 --> 00:36:59.793
And I have a larger one too.

00:37:00.672 --> 00:37:03.402
That's for people who are really energy sensitive.

00:37:03.413 --> 00:37:11.443
Sometimes people put that on their cell phone once they do the muscle test because they're like, wait a minute, maybe the cell phone sticker's not enough for me, which most people's

00:37:11.487 --> 00:37:25.907
I have to address this if you're listening there's some audio Feedback when you put that sticker up to the camera And and so if I can't get rid of that and post edit, that's why crazy.

00:37:26.007 --> 00:37:26.197

00:37:27.222 --> 00:37:28.123
That is crazy.

00:37:28.132 --> 00:37:28.362

00:37:28.362 --> 00:37:32.213
I did hear that static and I didn't put two and two together, but it makes sense.

00:37:32.577 --> 00:37:33.237
wait a minute.

00:37:33.952 --> 00:37:34.922
Mm hmm.

00:37:34.952 --> 00:37:38.402
And then we have, I'm just gonna do it really quick, the magnet.

00:37:39.231 --> 00:37:39.592

00:37:43.182 --> 00:37:45.733
So that's in the variety pack, the starter pack.

00:37:46.083 --> 00:37:48.952
But um, so I always say wear something.

00:37:49.172 --> 00:37:52.822
It's really important to just, you know, get something for yourself, you know, 10 percent off.

00:37:52.873 --> 00:37:57.943
Wear something so that way you're protected wherever you are and then put something on your electronics.

00:37:58.722 --> 00:38:00.103
You know, and that's how you want to look at it.

00:38:00.222 --> 00:38:03.552
This is the best way to get started and then you can kind of rock and roll from there.

00:38:03.873 --> 00:38:08.202
The other thing is definitely, definitely take advantage of downloading the ebook.

00:38:08.623 --> 00:38:17.373
You know, it is just a dipping your toes in the water of simple ways to get started now that um, I call it EMF protection made simple.

00:38:17.827 --> 00:38:23.047
easy steps to get started now because you know, face it, you got to start somewhere.

00:38:23.057 --> 00:38:25.347
So download the book, use the code.

00:38:25.358 --> 00:38:26.898
It's, you know, you get it for free.

00:38:26.898 --> 00:38:30.978
It's a 20 value and, um, and that'll help you.

00:38:30.978 --> 00:38:43.773
But if you just want to get started right now, use the code for the discounts for the products and then read the book after, because usually people say, I'm going to read the book, and then you kind of leave it in your, We're all famous for leaving in our email, never going back.

00:38:44.612 --> 00:38:55.862
So, you know, and then you follow me on social media, you know, for sure on Instagram, more on Instagram, like pretty good on it, you know, or if you need some in Facebook, so just reach out to me.

00:38:56.001 --> 00:38:56.422
Got it.

00:38:56.422 --> 00:38:56.992
Okay, cool.

00:38:57.012 --> 00:38:57.251

00:38:57.251 --> 00:39:10.641
And then, yeah, so as far as connecting with you, anybody listening, the, the, the ebook, the, the discount link and connecting with Sharonada will be all in the show notes.

00:39:10.652 --> 00:39:11.981
So don't worry about that.

00:39:12.561 --> 00:39:14.927
Um, Thanks for coming on to the show.

00:39:14.927 --> 00:39:15.916
I'm hearing some feedback.

00:39:15.916 --> 00:39:17.786
I'm like, let me move my sticker out of the way.

00:39:18.157 --> 00:39:20.367
Um, that's funny.

00:39:20.887 --> 00:39:24.257
Uh, real world scenario, but yeah, thanks for coming on.

00:39:24.257 --> 00:39:32.177
I'm excited to, um, just dive into this subject matter and play with, uh, I'm going to go to your site and check out the pyramids completely forgot you had pyramids.

00:39:32.556 --> 00:39:35.097
Um, and I can probably use one for my office too.

00:39:35.487 --> 00:39:37.606
And, uh, just being mindful of that.

00:39:37.806 --> 00:39:39.047
But yeah, thanks for coming on.

00:39:39.463 --> 00:39:40.023
Thank you.

00:39:40.023 --> 00:39:40.172

00:39:40.572 --> 00:39:41.123

00:39:41.123 --> 00:39:44.452
I'm so happy to be here and, and, and you have great content.

00:39:44.483 --> 00:39:47.213
It's a very interesting love podcast.

00:39:47.213 --> 00:39:49.773
So, you know, definitely going to share it out there for everybody else too.

00:39:50.197 --> 00:39:50.876
Appreciate it.

00:39:51.282 --> 00:39:51.393

00:39:52.092 --> 00:39:53.083
That's how we roll.
Sherinata PollockProfile Photo

Sherinata Pollock

After losing a husband to brain cancer and then surviving a brain tumor herself, Sherinata, Founder and CEO of Karelia Creations, went on a mission to passionately educate people about the dangers of 5G and wireless technology and electronic stressors while providing tips on safely using technology.
SInce 2014, this mission grew into a thriving business of creating beautiful, handmade jewelry and accessories that also protect you from electronic radiation so you can live safer and healthier in a digital age.
Prior to becoming an inspirational speaker and advocate for healthy technology, Sherinata spent over a decade as a transformational life coach, speaker, author and energy healer helping women and their families reduce personal and environmental stress.